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New Single: "Gratefully" Available for Digital Download
Music keeps flowing along with these Live Stream Concerts. As soon as "Nothing But Heart" went to print in early May this song started to come. First the guitar part and melody, then the morning of Memorial day the words. We debuted at the Live Stream Concert on June 6th so many audience responses to please record it, we did. Wish it would have made it to the album but another example of what opens up after you pour your whole heart out. It is with gratitude we recognize the creative source is infinite and thankful we share it with you! "Gratefully" digital download single.
Sample the song at:
New painting cover art by by Bruce Hecksel ©2020 "Heart River"

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NEW Patchouli Album: "Nothing But Heart"
Patchouli's newest full-length album "Nothing But Heart" is available now! Our 22nd recording together to celebrate our 22 years of marriage. Learn more and listen to the album here